JOHN 1:1
John 1:1 Total ordinal value = 657 which is 73 x 9 (PF 3 x 3 x 73).
John 1:2 Total ordinal value = 365 which is 73 x 5 (PF 73 x 5)
John 1:1-2 together = 365 reduced which is 73 x 5 (PF 73 x 5), = 1022 ordinal which is 73 x 14 (PF 73 x 7 x 2).
In John 1:1 there are three distinct phrases.
Phrase 1: In the beginning was the Word (15 letters and 5 words in the Greek).
Phrase 2: And the Word was toward the God (22 letters and 7 words in the Greek).
Phrase 3: And the Word was God (15 letters and 5 words in the Greek).
If you look at the above chart for the row titled, “Number of Letters Per Phrase”, you will see in the first phrase the number 15 with an arrow “>” pointing to the right (15>). In the middle phrase, you will see the number 22 with two arrows “<>”, one pointing to the left and the other pointing to the right (<22>). In the third and last phrase, you will see the number 15 with an arrow “<” pointing to the left (<15). These arrows are pointing toward the number 37 highlighted in red.
When Phrase 1 and Phrase 2 are combined, they total 37 (e.g. 15+22=37).
When Phrase 2 and Phrase 3 are combined, they total 37 (e.g. 22+15=37).
יה (Lord) is the shortened form of יהוה (Lord) and has a numerical value of 15. 22 is the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Together they total 37 and this is revealed in John 1:1. Jesus is the Word and He is also the Lord.
37 is a unique number found in Genesis 1:1 (see here). The total gematria of Genesis 1:1 is 2,701 (37×73=2,701).
Notice above in the “Number of Words Per Phrase”, the same pattern appears and points to the number 12. The 12th prime number is 37.
The Greek word λόγος (logos) has a numerical value of 373. 373 seems to set the overall pattern for the three phrases of John 1:1.
373 is the 74th prime number (37×2).
Summing the first 78 digits of Pi after the decimal point = 373. 78 when summed (7+8=15 Lord יה) in its shortened form. 78 is also
26×3. 26 is the numerical value for Lord in the full form יהוה.
The Hebrew word for Point (נקודה) has a numerical value of 165. Summing
the first 165 digits of Pi after the decimal point = 737. 2,701 is first located at the 165 point of Pi.
The total number of words that equal 737 in the New Testament is 23. 23 is a prime number and there are 23 combination of words that are divisible by 37 in Genesis 1:1.
The number 443 is first located at the 373rd position of Euler’s number. 443 is the 86th prime number. 86 is the numerical valve of Elohim (אלהים – God).
There are 1189 chapters in the bible and 443,217 words (Hebrew & Greek). Psalm 117 is the smallest chapter with 17 words. 594 chapters before and 594 chapters after. The average number of words in all of the chapters is 372.76 (373). The average number of words with the 17 words of the middle chapter (Psalm 117) excluded is 373.07 (373).
The total chapter value of Psalm 117 is 2,294 (37×62).
The total number of words in the OT that equal 73 is 373.
Taking the first number from each word value in John 1:1 totals 74 (37×2).
(55, 719, 58, 70, 373, 31, 70, 373, 58, 450, 420, 134, 31, 284, 58, 70, 373)
(e.g. 5+7+5+7+3+3+7+3+5+4+4+1+3+2+5+7+3=74)
The middle phrase reveals the number for Pi π (3.14) with 22 letters over 7 words (22/7=3.14).